百日咳 whooping cough?
轮生 whorl?
玻基粗粒玄武岩 wichtisite?
宽角射影机 wide angle camera?
宽角物镜 wide angle lens?
宽带滤光片 wide bandpass filter?
渠宽 width of the channel?
柳林 willow stand?
萎蔫系数 wilting coefficient?
凋萎点 wilting point?
凋萎含水量范围 wilting range?
凋萎 wilting?
轮生 whorl?
玻基粗粒玄武岩 wichtisite?
宽角射影机 wide angle camera?
宽角物镜 wide angle lens?
宽带滤光片 wide bandpass filter?
渠宽 width of the channel?
柳林 willow stand?
萎蔫系数 wilting coefficient?
凋萎点 wilting point?
凋萎含水量范围 wilting range?
凋萎 wilting?
风积土 wind blown soil?
防风林 wind break forest?
风蚀 wind carving?
风海流 wind current?
风害 wind damage?
风向测定器 wind direction meter?
风向 wind direction?
风向界线 wind divide?
飞砂 wind drift?
吹流风海流 wind driven current?
强制波 wind driven waves?
风力效应现象 wind effected phenomena?
蕈状石 wind erosion pillar?
风蚀 wind erosion?
测风雷达 wind finding radar?
风力 wind force?
防护林带 wind forest strip?
风压负载 wind load?
风速测定法 wind measurement?
风程 wind path?
风媒 wind pollination?
抗风性 wind resistance?
风成波痕 wind ripples?
风向图 wind rose?
风向转变 wind rotation?
风向袋 wind sack?
风切变 wind shear?
风向转变 wind shift?
风速 wind speed?
风系 wind system?