称重法 weight method?
观测权 weight of observation?
单位权 weight unit?
权 weight?
加权平均值 weighted mean?
加权积 weighted product?
加权和 weighted sum?
称瓶 weighting bottle?
堰 weir?
熔结凝灰岩 welded tuff?
井口护井圈 well curb?
凿井 well drilling?
观测权 weight of observation?
单位权 weight unit?
权 weight?
加权平均值 weighted mean?
加权积 weighted product?
加权和 weighted sum?
称瓶 weighting bottle?
堰 weir?
熔结凝灰岩 welded tuff?
井口护井圈 well curb?
凿井 well drilling?
井函数 well function?
井 well?
毋 west point?
偏午 westerlies?
偏午 westerly wind?
湿绝热线 wet adiabat?
湿绝热变化 wet adiabatic change?
湿绝热递减率 wet adiabatic lapse rate?
湿绝热过程 wet adiabatic process?
湿法分析 wet analysis?
湿球温度 wet bulb temperature?
湿球温度表 wet bulb thermometer?
湿草甸土 wet meadow soil?
湿试样 wet sample?
渍水土壤 wet soil?
湿盐土 wet solonchak?
多水年 wet year?
受潮面积 wetted area?
湿润锋 wetting front?
小麦栽培 wheat cultivation?
小麦估产 wheat yield estimation?
小麦 wheat?
旋转涂膜机 whirler?
旋涡 whirlpool?
涡旋风 whirlwind?
高岭土 white clay?
白光 white light?
白云母 white mica?
白浪 whitecap?
全量吸移管 whole pipette?