轴 y axis?y
纵坐标 y coordinate?
平面 y plane?xy
出版年代 year of publication?
生长轮 yearly ring?
酵母 yeast?
黄蚜 yellow aphids?
黄棕壤 yellow brown soil?
黄棕色土壤 yellow brown soils?
黄热病病毒 yellow fever virus?
黄热病 yellow fever?
黄滤光镜 yellow filter?
纵坐标 y coordinate?
平面 y plane?xy
出版年代 year of publication?
生长轮 yearly ring?
酵母 yeast?
黄蚜 yellow aphids?
黄棕壤 yellow brown soil?
黄棕色土壤 yellow brown soils?
黄热病病毒 yellow fever virus?
黄热病 yellow fever?
黄滤光镜 yellow filter?
灰化黄壤 yellow podzolic soils?
黄沙 yellow sand?
黄壤 yellow soil?
黄化 yellowing?
黄泥 yelow mud?
漠境土 yermosols?
紫杉林 yew grove?
产量因素 yield factors?
单产预报 yield forecast?
产量指标 yield index?
产量模型 yield model?
产草量 yield of grass?
产量程序设计 yield programming?
生产量 yielding capacity?
收获量 yielding?
幼龄林 young forest?
幼年山 young mountains?
幼年性台地 young platform?
幼年期 young stage?
幼年地形 young topography?
幼年谷 young valley?
镱 ytterbium?
钇 yttrium?
钛钇钍矿 yttrocrasite?
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