空地 vacant field?
未填满晶格结点 vacant lattice site?
菌苗 vaccin?
抽气晒版机 vacuum frame?
渗廉 vadose water?
价晶格 valence crystal?
价电子 valence electron?
原子价 valence?
原子价 valency?
价态 valent state?
锑华 valentinite?
河地沼泽 valley bog?
未填满晶格结点 vacant lattice site?
菌苗 vaccin?
抽气晒版机 vacuum frame?
渗廉 vadose water?
价晶格 valence crystal?
价电子 valence electron?
原子价 valence?
原子价 valency?
价态 valent state?
锑华 valentinite?
河地沼泽 valley bog?
谷底 valley bottom?
谷风 valley breeze?
河谷填积 valley fill?
谷雾 valley fog?
谷冰川 valley glacier?
谷中谷 valley in valley?
河谷型 valley pattern?
河谷坡降 valley slope?
河谷分水界 valley water divide?
谷 valley?
评价 valuation?
数值等级 value class?
值 value?
钒铅锌矿 vanadite?
钒污染 vanadium pollution?
钒 vanadium?
饱和差 vapor pressure deficit?
气态水 vaporous water?
变化指数 variability index?
变异性 variability?
变量标准化 variable standardization?
转向风 variable wind?
变量 variable?
方差分析 variance analysis?
方差 variance?
变异群落 variant of association?
变化图 variation diagram?
纬度变化 variation of latitude?
变异 variation?
杂色砂岩 variegated sandstone?
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