氯氟碳化合物的成分 composition of CFCs
复色谐调 compound chromatic harmony
复合有机物 compound organic matter
抗压强度;压应力;抗压力 compressive resistance
强制性措施 compulsory measures
计算机辅助建筑设计 computer aided architectural design, CAAD
计算机管理系统 computer management system
电子计算机房 computer room
底瓦 concave tile
浓缩池;选矿槽 concentration basin
同心圆地带论 concentric zone theory
顺向海岸;纵式海岸 concordant (longitudinal) coast
复色谐调 compound chromatic harmony
复合有机物 compound organic matter
抗压强度;压应力;抗压力 compressive resistance
强制性措施 compulsory measures
计算机辅助建筑设计 computer aided architectural design, CAAD
计算机管理系统 computer management system
电子计算机房 computer room
底瓦 concave tile
浓缩池;选矿槽 concentration basin
同心圆地带论 concentric zone theory
顺向海岸;纵式海岸 concordant (longitudinal) coast
混凝土地面 concrete surface
调料库 condiment storage
对新项目实行环境影响评估 conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) on start-up projects
导线穿管敷设 conductor installed in conduit
小型火山锥 conelet
气候和人类问题专家会议 Conference of Experts on Climate and Mankind
气候变化和致温室效应气体问题会议 Conference on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas
环境与发展会议(环发会议) Conference on Environment and Development
集会广场 congregation plaza
锥形山 conical hill
维护生物的多样性 conservation of biological diversity
保护气候 conservation of cilmate
维护遗传的多样性 conservation of genetical diversity
保护风景;保护景观 conservation of landscape
保护自然;自然保护 conservation of nature
水土保持 conservation of water and soil
提倡保护自然资源的人 conservationist
保护生存环境 conserve natural habitats
废物的托运 consignment (of waste)
定风量系统 constant air volume system, CAV system
直坡 constant slope
恒温恒湿机组 constant temperature humidity unit
恒风 constant wind
建筑条件 construction conditions
建设性波浪;堆积浪 constructive wave
消费行为;消费者行为 consumer behaviour
消耗臭氧物质的消费领域 consumption area (of ozone depleting substances)
致光敏物质 contactant (photo)sensitizer
传染病院 contagious disease hospital
集装箱码头;货柜码头 container terminal