控制物质的限制使用 containment (of controlled substances)
固态废物的限制地区 containment (of solid wastes)
被污染的 contaminated
洲;大陆 continent
大陆板块边界 continental plate boundary
大陆破裂 continental rupture
大陆缝合作用 continental suturing
连续流动活体检定;连续流动生物测定 continuous flow bioassay
连续采样 continuous sampling
等高耕作〔法〕 contour farming (ploughing)
等高线绘图 contour mapping
等高线法 contour method
固态废物的限制地区 containment (of solid wastes)
被污染的 contaminated
洲;大陆 continent
大陆板块边界 continental plate boundary
大陆破裂 continental rupture
大陆缝合作用 continental suturing
连续流动活体检定;连续流动生物测定 continuous flow bioassay
连续采样 continuous sampling
等高耕作〔法〕 contour farming (ploughing)
等高线绘图 contour mapping
等高线法 contour method
合约式农业 contract farming
对比色突出 contrast colors accent
残留农药的控制 control of residues of pesticides
控制期间;管制期间 control period
受控制的;受管制的;受节制的 controlled
有控制地倾弃 controlled dumping
控制漫灌〔法〕 controlled flooding
有控制地用垃圾填地 controlled landfilling
受控氧化作用 controlled oxidation
控制物质;管制物质 controlled substance
废物堆填区 controlled tip
废物堆填法 controlled tipping
联都;集合城市〔区〕 conurbation
对流雨 convection (convectional) rain
对流,(2)对流气流 convection (convective) current (1)
对流环路 convective loop
防止陆源物质污染海洋公约 Convention for the Prevention of Marine
保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 Convention for the Protection of the
保护臭氧层公约 Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity
核事故及早通报公约 Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
关于含氯氟烃的(维也纳)公约 Convention on Fluorochlorohydrocarbons
长程越界空气污染公约 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
防治荒漠化国际公约 Convention to Combat Desertification
公约信托基金 Convention Trust Fund
传统汽油发动机 conventional gasoline engin
传统倾弃办法不压实 conventional tip (uncompacted)
辐合,(2)聚合 convergence (1)
转换到代用燃料 conversion to alternative fuels
凸岸 convex bank