尾水消退 tail recession
尾矿池;尾水池 tailings pond
服装厂 tailor shop
观 taoist temple
主根 tap root
壁毯 tapestry
标准撞击器 tapping machine
低和冷排放源问题工作队 Task Force on Low and Cold Emission Sources
税率优待反污染投资 tax allowances for anti-pollution investments
对石油的差别计税 tax differenciation (on petrol)
税率奖励 tax incentives
生物分类群 taxa [pl. of taxon]
尾矿池;尾水池 tailings pond
服装厂 tailor shop
观 taoist temple
主根 tap root
壁毯 tapestry
标准撞击器 tapping machine
低和冷排放源问题工作队 Task Force on Low and Cold Emission Sources
税率优待反污染投资 tax allowances for anti-pollution investments
对石油的差别计税 tax differenciation (on petrol)
税率奖励 tax incentives
生物分类群 taxa [pl. of taxon]
茶亭 tea booth, tea kiosk
茶厂 tea factory
茶馆 tea house
气候学技术委员会 Technical Commission for Climatology
技术规则;技术规范 Technical Regulations
技术论文 technological articles
工艺危害;技术危害 technological hazard
技术设备 technological installations
技术物品;技术产品 technological items
技术生产线 technological line
科技联系 technological linkage
高级技术塑料;工艺塑料 technological plastics
技术要求;技术规格 technological requirements
最先进技术水平 technological state of the art
科技密集工业 technology-intensive industry
电信楼 telecommunication building
电话总机房 telephone exchange room
电视转播室 television transmission room
电视转播车 television transmission vehicle
碲化合物 tellurium compounds
温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate
温带大陆[性]气候 temperate continental climate
温带落叶林 temperate deciduous forest
风的名称温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate
温带森林生物层 temperate forest biosphere
温带草原 temperate grassland
温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate
温带雨林 temperate rain forest
温度分层;热结层 temperature stratification
温度含盐量及海流观测报告;温盐流报告 temperature, salinity and current report
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