默许 默许 tacit approval
台北市国税局 Taipei National Tax Administration
台湾省林务局 Taiwan Forestry Bureau
台湾省烟酒公卖局 Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau
管收 take into custody
提出异议,反对 提出异议 take issue
到证人席作证,出庭作证 到证人席作证,出庭作证 take the stand
土地征收 taking; eminent domain
一般非讼事件 Tally of General Non-contentious Cases
干扰证人 干扰证人 tampering with a witness
损坏证据 损坏证据 tampering with evidence
干预陪审团 干预陪审团 tampering with jury
台北市国税局 Taipei National Tax Administration
台湾省林务局 Taiwan Forestry Bureau
台湾省烟酒公卖局 Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau
管收 take into custody
提出异议,反对 提出异议 take issue
到证人席作证,出庭作证 到证人席作证,出庭作证 take the stand
土地征收 taking; eminent domain
一般非讼事件 Tally of General Non-contentious Cases
干扰证人 干扰证人 tampering with a witness
损坏证据 损坏证据 tampering with evidence
干预陪审团 干预陪审团 tampering with jury
关税 关税 tariff
税则号别 tariff number
政风督导小组 Taskforce for Supervising Government Ethics
有利税率 有利税率 tax advantage
稽征资料 tax assessment data
税捐机关 tax authority
租税优惠;赋税优惠 tax benefit
缴税证明 tax certification
税捐稽征 tax collection
稽征机关 tax collection office; taxing authority
抵减税额 tax credit
申报纳税 tax declaration
减税 减税 tax deduction
税目 tax denomination; tax denominations
逃税 逃税 tax evasion
免税 免税 tax exempt
税务行骗 税务行骗 tax fraud
实物税,以实物缴纳的税 实物税,以实物缴纳的税 tax in kind
租税项目 tax items
税法 税法 tax law
税捐稽征法 Tax Levy Act
税款 tax payment
税率 税率 tax rate
自用住宅用地税率 tax rate applicable to residential land for own use
税捐减免 tax reduction and exemption; tax reduction or exemption; tax relief
减税或免税 tax reduction or exemption
税表,报税单 税表,报税单 tax return
合法避税手段 合法避税手段 tax shelter
扣缴 tax withholding
课税年度 taxable year
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