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税捐稽征机关    taxing authority

核课权    taxing power

纳税义务人    taxpayer

纳税主体    taxpaying bodies; taxpaying body

兼任学校行政职务之教师    teachers serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs

技工    Technical Worker

技师法    Technician Act

电信法    Telecommunications Act

电信行骗 电信行骗    telecommunications fraud

电话行骗 电话行骗    telephone fraud

暂时性精神错乱 暂时性精神错乱    temporary insanity

动员戡乱时期临时条款    Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion

暂时禁令 暂时禁令    temporary restraining order

佃农    tenant farmer

农地承租人    tenant-farmer

要旨,大意 要旨,大意    tenor (gist)

暂定的 暂定的    tentative

延长任期    term extension

总统任期    term of the Presidency

废止营业    termination of business

根据法院判决推定的默示条款    terms implied by courts

根据成文法推定的默示条款    terms implied by legislation

根据惯例推定的默示条款    terms implied by usage

恐怖主义 恐怖主义    terrorism

恐怖分子 恐怖分子    terrorist

作证    testify

证词 证词    testimony

三七五租约    The 3/8Th Tenants Lease Act

中华民国宪法增修条文    The Amendment of the Constitution of the Reupublic of China

奖励保护检举贪污渎职办法    The Anti-Corruption Informant Rewards and Protection Regulation

公安部法规局    The Bureau of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Public Security

破坏司法信誉案件    The Case of Contravening Credit Standing of Judicature

检举贪渎案件    The Cases Of Corruption and Malfeasance by report

共青团中央    The Central Committee of the Communist Young League

国家机密保护法    The Classified National Security Information Protection Act

中华民国宪法    The Constitution of the Republic of China

提存书    the document of lodgment

政风机构    The Government Ethics Unit

二者只能择其一    the inclusion of one is the exclusion of the other

发行审核委员会    the Issuance Examination Commission

当事人起诉要求    the litigants sue for

放射性物料管理法    The Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act

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