小白菜 green chinese cabbage青草堆肥 green compost
嫩玉米 green corn
青刈饲料切断机 green crop chopper
青饲料叉 green crop fork
装青饲料机 green crop loader
绿色能源计划 green energy program
绿色能源 green energy resources
青饲料 green feed
青饲料粉碎机 green food crusher
青绿饲草 green forage
青蒜 green garlic
绿豆 green gram
绿肥 green manure
绿肥罪 green manure crop
施绿肥 green manuring
绿僵病 green muscardine
青辣椒 green red pepper
绿新梢 green shoot
毛豆 green soybean
绿色硫细菌 green sulphur bacteria
绿茶 green tea
青菜 green vegetable
褐脉花天牛 green veined white
日光温室 greenhouse by solar heat
温室气候 greenhouse climate
温室罪 greenhouse crop
温室黄瓜 greenhouse cucumber
温室甜瓜 greenhouse melon
温室土壤 greenhouse soil
温室番茄 greenhouse tomato
温室蔬菜 greenhouse vegetable
温室白蝇 greenhouse white fly
聚生的 gregarious
灰色森林土 grey forest soil
灰色胡敏酸 grey humic acid
灰霉 grey mould
草莓灰霉病 grey mould fruit rot of strawberry
棉花灰霉病 grey mould of cotton
茄子灰霉病 grey mould of egg plant
莴苣灰霉病 grey mould of lettuce
甘薯灰霉病 grey mould of sweet potato