转移 dna t dna型芽接 t type budding t
绦虫 taenia
狗绦虫病 taeniasis of dog
杂穗推运螺旋 tailing auger
麦类立枯病 take all of wheat and barley
龟裂盐土 takyric solonchak
龟裂性漠境土 takyric yermosol
高秆罪 tall crop
甲氨磷 tamaron
双列圆盘耙 tandem disc harrow
粮箱 tanker
丹宁植物 tannin plant
软枣猕猴桃 tara vine
龙蒿 tarragon
雄穗 tassel
抽雄期 tasseling stage
刺标 tattoo
扦性 telotaxis
硫甲双磷 temephos
温和噬菌体 temperate phage
蚕饲育温度 temperature for rearing of silkworm
温度冲击 temperature ictus
气温倒转 temperature inversion
灌溉水温 temperature of irrigation water
临时排水渠沟 temporary diversion conduit
临时湿地 temporary humid land
假植苗床 temporary seedbed
棵株管理 tending of hill
棵株农业 tending plants per hill
鸡腱鞘炎病毒 tendovaginitis virus of chicken
卷须 tendril
牛绦虫 teniarhynchosis
畸形卵 teratoid egg
畸形精子 teratosperm
去草净 terbutryn
圆柱状叶的 teretifolious
顶芽 terminal bud
末端转移酶 terminal transferase
终止密码子 termination codon
终止因子 termination factor
阶田耕作 terrace culture
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