豌豆灰霉病 grey mould rot of pea灰色土 grey soil
磨房 grinding mill
总蛋白质 gross protein
枯枝落叶层 ground litter
落花生 groundnut
花生饼 groundnut cake
群饲 group feeding
株群 group of hill
发育停止卵 grow standstill egg
生长能力 growing ability
生长发育 growing development
生长诊断 growing diagnosis
生长环境 growing environment
生长指数 growing index
蓖麻栽培 growing of castor oil plant
育菜秧 growing of vegetable seedling
生长期 growing period
生长力 growing power
家畜生长刺激剂 growing stimulent of domestic animal
壮蚕 grown silkworm
促生长激素 growth acceleration hormone
生长特性 growth characteristics
生长周期 growth cycle
生长抑制 growth inhibition
生长抑制率 growth inhibition ratio
生长抑制剂 growth inhibitor
生长运动 growth movement
蚕的生长 growth of silkworm
生长促进剂 growth promoter
生长第物质 growth regulating substance
生长第 growth regulation
生长刺激剂 growth stimulant
生长试验 growth test
蛆 grub
挖根锄 grubber
浆状饲料 gruel feed
粥样饲料分配器 gruel feed distributor
氮素海鸟粪 guano nitrogen
鸟苷脲 guanylic urea
保卫细胞 guard cell
保护行 guard row