粒状过磷酸钙 granular superphosphate牛传染性颗粒阴道炎 granular vestibulitis of cattle
质地土型 granulated soil type
葡萄水疱 grape blister
葡萄汁 grape juice
葡萄籽 grape pip
葡萄白粉病 grape powdery mildew
葡萄剪子 grape scissors
葡萄插穗 grape stalk
葡萄藤 grape vine
葡萄酒 grape wine
碎草机 grass chopper
草覆盖 grass covering
草丛密度 grass density
牧草干燥机 grass dryer
饲草干燥 grass drying
茎长 grass height
草粉 grass meal
剪草机 grass mower
唐松草 grass of meadow rue
牧草播种机 grass seed drill
牧草籽收获机 grass seed harvester
牧草种子生产 grass seed production
草强直 grass tetany
牧草生产量 grass yield
蝗虫防治 grasshopper control
草地地区 grassland area
草地更新 grassland rejuvenation
草地土壤 grassland soil
砂砾培养 gravel culture
兽尸掩埋地 graveyard of cattle
放牧 grazing
放牧牲畜 grazing animal
放牧区 grazing district
围栏放牧 grazing in cage
放牧地 grazing land
放牧制度 grazing system
地榆 great burnet
大旱 great drought
大维管束 great vascular bundle
大车前 greater plantain
狗尾草 green bristle grass