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  世界电影基金会 电影与基金的聚光灯


    在世界电影基金的最初几年之后,新兴的陪审团将会评估世界电影基金的项目。电影专家及管理者维奥拉 萨菲克(Viola Shafik),EON编剧工作室的主管阿尔拜 詹姆斯(Alby James),瑞士电视的节目协调员阿尔波特 乔莱特,以及基金主管桑亚 海妮恩(Sonja Heinen)及温森哲 巴格诺(Vincenzo Bugno)对提交的电影进行评审,这些电影中首次包含了来自东南亚及高加索的地区。



古桑,亚伦 沙妮(Yaron Shani)及斯冈达 库普蒂(Scandar Copti)拍摄



    在电影节里来自耶路撒冷,治理的圣地亚哥及拉马拉的电影如《El Otro(艾瑞尔-罗特),《天堂此时》(哈尼·阿布阿萨德)及锡安及其兄弟(阿兰梅拉夫)被挑选出向国际大众放映。案例学习也准备好,特别是古桑(亚伦 沙妮及斯冈达 库普蒂)。更多信息见新闻稿


    最近,在世界电影基金的第六轮筛选时,五部来自哥伦比亚,阿根廷,安哥拉,以色列,伊朗的电影项目受到资助。世界电影基金评审团-独立的经销商伊莎贝尔 杜巴尔,管理者基思 史利,瑞士电视的节目协调员阿尔波特 乔莱特及柏林电影节主席迪特-考斯里科-它们是从来自28个国家提交的81个项目中挑选出来的并给予总共23万欧元的资金奖励。更多关于世界电影基金的这些及其他信息分别见-资助项目作品及资助项目发行下的支持项目




New Jury 

Following the initial years of the World Cinema Fund, a new jury will be evaluating projects for the WCF: film specialist and curator Viola Shafik, the director of the EON Screenwriters’ Workshop Alby James, the programme coordinator of Swiss television Alberto Chollet, as well as fund directors Sonja Heinen and Vincenzo Bugno will be reviewing submissions, which, for the first time, include films from Southeast Asia and the Caucasus.

Just Trans!
Ghussoun by Yaron Shani & Scandar Copti

World Cinema Fund Spotlights 

In collaboration with the Goethe Institute the WCF has launched the "World Cinema Fund Spotlights" series: selected WCF funded films are to be shown, initially in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Chile and Indonesia, in order to inform filmmakers and producers in those regions about the WCF. In addition to the series of films, workshops and case studies on WCF funded films are to take place during local festivals in the respective Goethe Institutes.

At film festivals in Jerusalem, Santiago de Chile and Jakarta as well as in Ramallah, films like El Otro (Ariel Rotter), Paradise Now (Hany Abu-Assad) and Zion and his brother (Eran Merav) among others will be screened to an international public. Case Studies are planned on, among others, Ghussoun (Yaron Shani & Scandar Copti) and El Cielo La Tierra y La Lluvia (José Luis Torres Leiva). Find more information under Press Releases.

New funding projects from Columbia, Argentina, Angola, Israel, Iran  

Most recently, in the sixth selection round of the World Cinema Fund (WCF), five film projects from Columbia, Argentina, Angola, Israel and Iran were chosen for funding. The WCF jury – independent distributor Isabelle Dubar, curator Keith Shiri, programme coordinator of Swiss Television, Alberto Chollet, and Berlinale director Dieter Kosslick - made its selection from 81 projects submitted from 28 countries and awarded a total of 230,000 euros in funding. Find more information on these and other WCF-supported projects under Funded Projects Production respectively Funded Projects Distribution

Expanded Focus Regions Southeast Asia and Caucasus 

At the World Cinema Fund Day, which took place on February 14 during the 57th Berlinale, the WCF announced it was expanding the regions eligible to receive support. Besides projects from Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa, filmmakers from Southeast Asia and the Caucasus will be eligible for funding support starting in summer 2007.


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