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美国麻省理工学院研制出细胞'牵引束' (中英对照)[图]
多合一的梦想——LG 触摸技术的革命(中英对照)[图]


新闻来源: www.smallparty.org/yoram/humor/mankiw.pdf
作 者: fosen@语际翻译



  Mankiw’s Ten Principles of Economics, Translated for the Uninitiated


  by Yoram Bauman (revised June 12, 2002)

  The cornerstone of Harvard professor N. Gregory Mankiw’s introductory economic textbook, Principles of Economics, is a synthesis of economic thought into Ten Principles of Economics. A quick perusal of these will likely affirm the reader’s suspicions that synthesizing economic thought into Ten Principles is no easy task, and may even lead the reader to suspect that the subtlety and concision required are not to be found in the pen of N. Gregory Mankiw.

  哈佛教授N. 格利高里 曼昆撰写的经济学入门教材《经济学原理》把经济学思想总结为10个经济学原理。略略细读这些原理,读者可能就会产生疑问,觉得把经济学思想综合成10个经济学原理不是件容易的事,有时甚至会让读者对N. 格利高里 曼昆巧妙而简洁的总结产生怀疑。

  I have taken it upon myself to remedy this unfortunate situation. The second table below summarizes my attempt to translate Mankiw’s Ten Principles into plain English, and in doing so to provide the uninitiated with an invaluable glimpse of the economic mind at work. Explanations and details can be found in the pages that follow, but the average reader is advised to simply cut out the table below and carry it around for assistance in the (hereafter unlikely) event of confusion about the basic Principles of Economics.


  Mankiw’s Principle 曼昆的原理

  #1 People face tradeoffs


  #2 The cost of something is what you give up to get it


  #3 Rational people think at the margin


  #4 People respond to incentives


  #5 Trade can make everyone better off


  #6 Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity


  #7 Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes


  #8 A country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and service


  #9 Prices rise when the government prints too much money


  #10 Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment


  Yoram’s Translation Yoram的解释

  #1 Choices are bad


  #2 Choices are really bad


  #3 People are stupid


  #4 People aren’t that stupid


  #5 Trade can make everyone worse off


  #6 Governments are stupid


  #7 Governments aren’t that stupid


  #8 Blah blah blah


  #9 Blah blah blah


  #10 Blah blah blah


  Explanations and Details 解释及具体说明

  At first glance, the reader cannot but be impressed by the translation’s simplicity and clarity. Accessibility, however, should not be mistaken for shallowness: further study will reveal hidden depths and subtleties that will richly reward the attentive student. Indeed, a moment’s reflection will identify any number of puzzles and mysteries. Chief among them is probably this: Why do Principles #8, #9, and #10 have identical translations?


  The immediately obvious explanation is that these are macro-economic principles, and that I, as a micro-economist, am ill equipped to understand them, let alone translate them. As is often the case in this complex world we live in, this immediately obvious explanation is also wrong. The true reason I have provided identical translations of ”Blah blah blah” for Principles #8, #9, and #10 is that these principles say exactly the same thing, namely, “Blah blah blah.” Sometime when you've got a few hours to spare, go and ask an economist-preferably a macro-economist-what he or she really means by “standard of living” or “goods and services” or “inflation “or “unemployment” or “short-run” or even “too much.” You will soon realize that there is a vast difference between, say, what Principle #10 says “Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment” -and what Principle #10means: “Society faces blah between blah and blah.” My translations are simply concise renderings of these underlying meanings.


  Having cleared up that issue, let us go back to Mankiw’s


  Principle #1: People face tradeoffs 原理1:人们面临权衡取舍

  Translation: Choices are bad 解释: 选择是错误的

  The reasoning behind this translation is obvious. For example, imagine that somebody comes up to you and offers you a choice between a Snickers bar and some M&Ms. You now have a tradeoff, meaning that you have to choose one or the other. And having to trade one thing off against another is bad; President Truman supposedly asked for a one-armed economics advisor because his two-armed economics advisors were always saying, “On the one hand...but on the other hand...”


  People who have not received any economics education might be tempted to think that choices are good. They aren't. The (mistaken) idea that choices are good perhaps stems from the (equally mistaken) idea that lack of choices is bad. This is simply not true, as Mancur Olson points out in his book, The Logic of Collective Action: “To say situation is ‘lost’ or hopeless is in one sense equivalent to saying it is perfect, for in both cases efforts at improvement can bring no positive results.”


  Hence my translation of Mankiw's first principle of economics: Choices are bad. This concept can be a little difficult to grasp-nobody ever said economics was easy-but the troubled reader will undoubtedly gain clarity from Mankiw's


  Principle #2: The cost of something is what you give up to get it


  Translation: Choices are really bad


  Beyond transforming Mankiw’s semantic deathtrap into simplicity itself, this translation has the advantage of establishing a connection between Principle #1 (Choices are bad) and Principle #2 (Choices are really bad).


  To continue to deepen the reader’s understanding of why choices are bad-really bad-let's return to our previous example, in which somebody offers you a choice between a Snickers bar and a package of M&Ms. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that you take the M&Ms. According to Mankiw, the cost of those M&Ms is the Snickers bar that you had to give up to get the M&Ms. Your gain from this situation-what economists call “economic profit”-is

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