独家分支机构销售 Exclusive outlet selling独家销售 Exclusive selling
独家经销 Exclusivedealing
陈列设计及生产者协会 Exhibit Designers & Producers Association
预期效果 Expectationeffect
预期净现值 Expected net present value
完整资讯的期望值 Expected value of perfect information
消费类型 Expenditure patterns
费用中心 Expense center
费用控制计画 Expense control plans
费用项目 Expense items
费用销货率 Expense-to-sales ratios
经验调查 Experience survey
经验曲线效果 Experience-curve effect
实验示范 Experimental demonstration
实验设计 Experimental design
行销的实验法 Experimental method in marketing
实验订价 Experimental pricing
探测购买阶段 Exploratory shopping phase
快速认购权 Express warranty
延伸式问题解决 Extensive problem solving
市场的延伸 Extent of market
夕阳价格 Extinction price
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