访问策略 Call strategy访问系统 Call system
活动策划 Campaigh planning
活动设计 Campaign design
正准相关分析 Canonical correlation analysis
资本预算 Capital budgeting
随和顾客 Captive Customers
整车批发商 Car-lot wholesaler
现金市场 Cash market
收银机 Cash register
付现订货 Cash with order
现金自运批发商 Cash-and-carry wholesalers
交货付款 Cashon delivery
型录陈列室 Catalog showroom
邮购商店 Catalog stores
邮购仓库 Catalog warehouse
型录销售 Catalogue sales
中央市场 Central market
中央扩散式 Central-peripheral pattern
证明标志 Certification mark
连锁商店系统 Chain store system
连镇商店 Chain stores
销售通路领导者 Channel captain
销售通路竞争 Channel competition
销售通路冲突 Channel conflict
销售通路控制 Channel control
销售通路成本分析 Channel cost analysis
销售通路决策 channel decisions
销售通路差异性 Channel differences
销售通路流程 Channel flows
销售通路长度 Channel length
销售通路忠诚性 Channel loyalty
销售通路修正 Channel modification
销售通路策略 channel strategy
销售通路体系 Channel systems
销售通路设计 Channel-design
销售通路管理 Channel-management
沟通路径 Channels of commuunication
配销通路 Channels of distribution
促销通路 Channels of promotion
商业采购特性 Characteristics of business buying
商品特徽理论 Characteristics of goods theory
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