美国广告代理商协会 AAAA.-- American Association of Adverising Agencies美国广告联合会 AAF.-- American Advertising Federation
发行量稽核机构 ABC.-- Audit Bureau of Circulations
ABC分类系统 ABC.-- Classification system
美国企业出版社 ABP.-- American Business Press
广告审核机构 ACB.-- The Advertising Checking Bureau
折街理论 Accordion Theory
责任原则 Accountability principle
会计资讯 Accounting information
南美安迪斯共同市场 ACM.-- Andean Common Market
顾问管理工程师协会 ACME.--- Association of Consulting Management Engineers
适合程度理论 Adaptation-level theory
适应性行为 Adaptive behavior
适应性产品 Adaptive product
适应性控制模式 Adaptive-control models
管理通路系统 Administered channel systems
管理价格 Administered prices
管理纵向行销系统 Administered vertical marketing systems
广告主品牌 Advertiser‘s brand
广告代理商 Advertising agencies
广告代理商佣金 Advertising agency commission
广告津贴 Advertising allowance
广告经费提拨 Advertising appropriation
广告预算 Advertising budget
广告活动 Advertising campaign
广告稽查机构 Advertising checking bureau
广告传递 Advertising delivery
广告部门 Advertising department
广告效果 Advertising effectiveness
广告媒体选择 Advertising media selection
广告规范报告 Advertising norms report
广告目标 Advertising objectives
广告政策 Advertising policy
广告可读性 Advertising readability
广告研究 Advertising research
广告研究基金会 Advertising Research Foundation
广告版面 Advertising space
广告策略 Advertising strategy
广告的感受性 Advertising susceptibility
广告主题 Advertising theme
广告主题决策 Advertising theme decisions
广告分析圈 Advertisment analysis chart
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