三叉神经痛 Sleep disorder unspecified梦魇 Sleep terrors [night terrors]
夜惊症[睡惊症] Sleepwalking [somnambulism]
股骨上端骨骺滑脱 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (nontraumatic)
新生儿进食缓慢 Slow feeding of newborn
胎儿宫内生长迟缓 Slow fetal growth unspecified
未特指的中枢神经系统的慢病毒感染 Slow virus infection of central nervous system unspecified
迟钝和反应不良 Slowness and poor responsiveness
小于胎龄儿 Small for gestational age
双侧小肾 Small kidney bilateral
单侧小肾 Small kidney unilateral
小肾 NOS Small kidney unspecified
眼睑交界恶性肿瘤 Small plaque parapsoriasis
天花 Smallpox
喷嚏 Sneezing
同胞竞争障碍 Social anxiety disorder of childhood
社会排斥和拒绝的问题 Social exclusion and rejection
红色恐怖[赫颜恐怖] Social phobias
社会职责冲突的问题,NEC Social role conflict not elsewhere classified
对立违抗性障碍 Socialized conduct disorder
软组织疾患,未特指 Soft tissue disorder unspecified
营养性贫血 Solar urticaria
单房性骨囊肿 Solitary bone cyst
乳腺囊肿 Solitary cyst of breast
未分化的躯体化障碍 Somatization disorder
持续的躯体形式的疼痛障碍 Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
神经衰弱[比尔德氏病] Somatoform disorder unspecified
嗜眠 Somnolence
缺铁性贫血的特殊筛选检查 Sp screen exam dis blood/bld fm org & cer dis inv immune mec
先天性畸形、变形和染色体异常的特殊筛选检查 Sp screening exam for cong malfs deform‘ns & chromos‘l abn‘s
航天飞行器事故,伤及乘员 Spacecraft accident injuring occupant
裂头蚴虫 Sparganosis
气管动态未定的肿瘤 (M80000/1) Spasm of sphincter of Oddi
口面运动障碍 Spasmodic torticollis
先天性痉挛性双侧截瘫 Spastic cerebral palsy
婴儿性偏瘫 Spastic diplegia
偏瘫,未特指 Spastic hemiplegia
截瘫,未特指 Spastic paraplegia
四肢瘫痪,未特指 Spastic tetraplegia
童年时某些发育障碍的特殊筛选检查 Spec screen exam certain development disorders in childhood
传染病和寄生虫的特殊筛选检查 NOS Spec screen exam for infectious and parasitic dis unspec
传染病和寄生虫的特殊筛选检查 Spec screen exam for oth infectious and parasitic diseases