具有多胎产者的妊娠监督 Supervision of pregnancy with grand multiparity具有缺乏产前医疗照顾病史者的妊娠监督 Supervision of pregnancy with hist insuffic antenatal care
具有流产史的妊娠监督 Supervision of pregnancy with history of abortive outcome
具有不育史的妊娠监督 Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility
具有其它不良产科史的妊娠 Supervision of pregnancy with oth poor repro or obstet hist
具有极年轻初孕妇的妊娠监督 Supervision of very young primigravida
泌乳抑制 Suppressed lactation
肠瘘 Suppurative otitis media unspecified
分类于他处的疾病引起的丘疹鳞屑性疾患 Supraventricular tachycardia
手术后对症治疗 Surgical follow-up care unspecified
外科材料和装置 Surgical instruments materials and devices (inc sutures)
其他灌注和辅助装置 Surgical operation with anastomosis bypass or graft
造瘘术后并发症 Surgical operation with formation of external stoma
植入物引起的并发症 Surgical operation with implant of artificial internal dev
全器官移植术后并发症 Surgical operation with transplant of whole organ
外科操作并发症 NOS Surgical procedure unspecified
避孕装置的监督 Surveillance of (intrauterine) contraceptive device
避孕药的监督 Surveillance of contraceptive drugs
怀疑和明显的躲藏 Suspiciousness and marked evasiveness
森林狂犬病 Sylvatic rabies
丛林黄热病 Sylvatic yellow fever
有症状的神经梅毒 Symptomatic neurosyphilis
晕厥和虚脱 Syncope and collapse
并指(并趾) NOS Syndactyly unspecified
抗利尿激素分泌不足综合征 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
糖尿病母亲的婴儿综合征 Syndrome of infant of a diabetic mother
母亲伴有妊娠糖尿病的婴儿综合征 Syndrome of infant of mother with gestational diabetes
比翼线虫病 Syngamiasis
腘窝[贝克]囊肿 Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker]
滑膜肥大 NEC Synovial hypertrophy not elsewhere classified
分类于他处的细菌性疾病引起的滑膜和肌腱疾患 Synovitis and tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases EC
滑膜炎或腱鞘炎,未特指 Synovitis and tenosynovitis unspecified
梅毒并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Syphilis comp pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium
未特指的梅毒 Syphilis unspecified
梅毒性粘液囊炎 Syphilitic bursitis
躯干神经良性肿瘤 Syphilitic peritonitis
血管性脊髓病 Syringomyelia and syringobulbia
全身性抗生素有害效应 NOS Systemic antibiotic unspecified
其他全身性抗感染药和抗寄生虫药引起的有害效应 Systemic anti-infective and antiparasitic unspecified
分类于他处疾病引起的主要影响中枢神经系统的全身性萎缩 Systemic atrophy primarily affecting CNS in myxoedema
帕金森病 Systemic atrophy primarily affecting CNS other disease EC
全身性巴尔通体热 Systemic bartonellosis