腹壁、下背和骨盆浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of abdominal wall lwr back & pelvis踝和足浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of ankle and foot
臂浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of arm
头部浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of head
髋和大腿浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of hip and thigh
膝和小腿浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of knee and lower leg
颈部浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of neck
其他和未特指部位的浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of other and unspecified sites
胸部浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of thorax
腕和手浅表冻伤 Superficial frostbite of wrist and hand
腹部、下背和骨盆的浅表损伤 NOS Superficial inj of abdomen lower back and pelvis part unspec
头和颈的浅表损伤 Superficial injuries involving head with neck
踝和足未指定的浅表损伤 Superficial injury of ankle and foot unspecified
耳浅表损伤 Superficial injury of ear
前臂浅表损伤 NOS Superficial injury of forearm unspecified
头部浅表损伤 NOS Superficial injury of head part unspecified
髋部和大腿浅表性损伤 NOS Superficial injury of hip and thigh unspecified
唇和口腔的浅表损伤 Superficial injury of lip and oral cavity
小腿开放性伤口 NOS Superficial injury of lower leg unspecified
下肢浅表损伤,水平未特指 Superficial injury of lower limb level unspecified
颈部挫伤 NOS Superficial injury of neck part unspecified
鼻浅表损伤 Superficial injury of nose
胸壁其他浅表损伤 Superficial injury of other and unspecified parts of thorax
其他头部浅表损伤 Superficial injury of other parts of head
颈部其他部位浅表性损伤 Superficial injury of other parts of neck
头皮挫伤 Superficial injury of scalp
肩和上臂未特指浅表损伤 Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm unspecified
躯干表浅损伤,水平未特指 Superficial injury of trunk level unspecified
身体表浅损伤 未指定部位 Superficial injury of unspecified body region
上肢擦伤(浅表损伤) NOS Superficial injury of upper limb level unspecified
腕浅表损伤 NOS Superficial injury of wrist and hand unspecified
霉菌性皮炎 NOS Superficial mycosis unspecified
产前的妊娠期浅表静脉血栓形成 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy
产褥期浅表血栓性静脉炎 Superficial thrombophlebitis in the puerperium
大网膜良性肿瘤 Supernumerary teeth
高龄初产妇的临护 Supervision of elderly primigravida
社会问题引起的高危妊娠监督 Supervision of high-risk pregnancy due to social problems
高危妊娠 NOS Supervision of high-risk pregnancy unspecified
首次正常妊娠监督 Supervision of normal first pregnancy
正常妊娠医疗保健 Supervision of normal pregnancy unspecified
其他高危妊娠监督 Supervision of other high-risk pregnancies
其他正常妊娠的监督 Supervision of other normal pregnancy