习惯性复发性髌骨脱位 Recurrent dislocation of patella上肢皮肤良性肿瘤 Recurrent oral aphthae
复发性髌骨不全脱位 Recurrent subluxation of patella
困床的问题 Reduced mobility
下肢短缺缺陷 NOS Reduction defect of lower limb unspecified
上肢短缺缺陷 NOS Reduction defect of upper limb unspecified
包皮过长、包茎和包茎嵌顿 Redundant prepuce phimosis and paraphimosis
丘疹鳞屑性疾患,未特指 Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia
反射性神经病性膀胱,NEC Reflex neuropathic bladder not elsewhere classified
难治性贫血 (M99800/1) Refractory anaemia unspecified
顽固性贫血伴有胚细胞过多 (M99830/1) Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts
顽固性贫血伴有转化中的胚细胞过多 (M99840/1) Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation
顽固性贫血伴有铁粒幼细胞 (M99820/1) Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts
顽固性贫血不伴有铁粒幼细胞 (M99810/1) Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts so stated
遗传性共济失调性神经病 Refsum‘s disease
新生儿反胃和反刍 Regurgitation and rumination in newborn
A型血友病 Reiter‘s disease
未特指的回归热 Relapsing fever unspecified
复发性脂膜炎[韦伯-克里斯琴综合征] Relapsing panniculitis [Weber-Christian]
复发性多软骨炎 Relapsing polychondritis
童年离家的问题 Removal from home in childhood
其他器官切除术后并发症 Removal of other organ (partial) (total)
涉及免疫机制的血液疾病和疾患引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Ren tub-interst disorder blood dis/disorder inv immune mech
分类于他处的传染病和寄生虫病引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Ren tubulo-interstital disorder infect and parasitic dis EC
系统性结缔组织疾患引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Ren tubulo-interstitial disorder systemic conn tis disorder
双侧肾缺如 Renal agenesis bilateral
单肾 Renal agenesis unilateral
先天性肾缺失 Renal agenesis unspecified
肾和肾周脓肿 Renal and perinephric abscess
肾脏发育不良 Renal dysplasia
流产、异位妊娠和葡萄胎妊娠后的肾衰竭 Renal failure folowing abortion and ectopic and molar pregn
双侧肾发育不全 Renal hypoplasia bilateral
单侧肾发育不全 Renal hypoplasia unilateral
先天性肾发育不良 Renal hypoplasia unspecified
肾性骨营养不良[肾性骨病] Renal osteodystrophy
肾小管-间质疾病,未特指 Renal tubulo-interstitial disease unspecified
代谢性疾病引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases
肿瘤性疾病引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neopastic diseases
分类于他处的其他疾病引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases EC
移植排斥引起的肾小管-间质疾患 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection
脓疱病 Renovascular hypertension
呼肠病毒作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Reovirus as cause of disease classified to other chapters