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医学病症与手术术语英语翻译   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


鸦片类药中毒    Poisoning by Opium

避孕药中毒    Poisoning by oral contraceptives

影响心血管系统的其他和未特指的制剂中毒    Poisoning by oth & unsp agent prim affect cardiovasc sys

其他和未指定的作用于呼吸系统的药物中毒    Poisoning by oth & unsp agents prim acting on the resp sys

其他和未特指作用于肌肉的制剂中毒    Poisoning by oth & unsp agents primarily acting on muscles

其他药物意外中毒    Poisoning by oth & unsp drugs medicaments & biological subs

其他和未特指激素类及其合成代用品中毒    Poisoning by oth & unsp hormones & their synthetic substits

其他影响胃肠系统的药物中毒    Poisoning by oth agents prim affect gastrointest sys

其他抗酸药和抗胃分泌药中毒    Poisoning by oth antacids & anti-gastric-secretion drugs

其他非类固醇性消炎药意外中毒    Poisoning by oth nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID]

其他主要全身性和血液学制剂中毒    Poisoning by oth prim systemic & haematological agents

痢特灵[呋喃唑酮]中毒    Poisoning by oth spec systemic anti-infects & antiparasitics

其他意图未确定的自主神经系统的药物中毒    Poisoning by oth unsp drugs prim affect autonom nervous sys

其他和未特指抗精神病药和精神安定剂中毒    Poisoning by other & unsp antipsychotics & neuroleptics

其他和未特指致幻药[致幻剂]中毒    Poisoning by other & unspec psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]

其他和未特指抗抑郁药中毒    Poisoning by other and unspecified antidepressants

其他和未特指全身麻醉药中毒    Poisoning by other and unspecified general anaesthetics

其他和未特指激素类拮抗剂中毒    Poisoning by other and unspecified hormone antagonists

其他和未特指麻醉剂中毒    Poisoning by other and unspecified narcotics

乙胺碘肤酮[胺碘达隆]中毒    Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs NEC

其他抗癫痫药和镇静剂中毒    Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs

其他抗高血压药物中毒 NEC    Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs NEC

其他抗原生动物药中毒    Poisoning by other antiprotozoal drugs

其他雌激素和孕激素中毒    Poisoning by other estrogens and progestogens

其他缓泻剂中毒    Poisoning by other laxatives

止痛剂中毒    Poisoning by other nonopiod analgesics and antipyretics NEC

海洛因[二乙酰吗啡]中毒    Poisoning by other opioids

其他拟副交感神经药[胆碱能药]中毒    Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics]

其他对精神有影响的药物中毒,NEC    Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs NEC

杜冷丁中毒    Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics

其他全身性抗生素中毒    Poisoning by other systemic antibiotics

皮肤外用药物中毒    Poisoning by other topical agents

催产药中毒    Poisoning by oxytocic drugs

青霉素中毒    Poisoning by Penicillins

周围血管扩张剂中毒    Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators

抗精神病药和镇定剂中毒    Poisoning by Phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics

α肾上腺素能受体显效药中毒,NEC    Poisoning by predom alpha-adrenoreceptor agons NEC

β肾上腺素能受体显效药中毒,NEC    Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenreceptor agonists NEC

全身性和血液学制剂中毒 NOS    Poisoning by primarily systemic & haematological agent unsp

精神兴奋剂中毒伴有滥用潜势    Poisoning by psychostimulants with abuse potential

复方氨基比林意外中毒    Poisoning by Pyrazolone derivatives

利福霉素类中毒    Poisoning by Rifamycins

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