食欲抑制剂中毒 Poisoning by appetite depressants巴比妥盐类中毒 Poisoning by Barbiturates
安定剂中毒 Poisoning by Benzodiazepines
β肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂中毒,NEC Poisoning by beta adrenoreceptor antagonists NEC
氟哌啶醇[氟哌丁苯]中毒 Poisoning by Butyrophenone and thioxanthene neuroleptics
钙通道阻滞剂中毒 Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers
大麻类(衍生物)中毒 Poisoning by Cannabis (derivatives)
强心剂中毒 Poisoning by cardiac-stim glycosides & drugs of sim action
头孢菌素和其他β内酰胺类抗生素中毒 Poisoning by Cefalosporins and other -lactam antibiotics
抗肾上腺素能药物中毒,意图不确定的 Poisoning by centrally act & adrenergic-neuron-block ags NEC
氯霉素族中毒 Poisoning by Chloramphenicol group
可卡因中毒 Poisoning by Cocaine
硝酸甘油中毒 Poisoning by coronary vasodilators NEC
局部应用的牙科药物 Poisoning by dental drugs topically applied
造影剂中毒 Poisoning by diagnostic agents
助消化药中毒 Poisoning by digestants
影响尿酸代谢的药物中毒 Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism
催吐药中毒 Poisoning by emetics
酶类中毒,NEC Poisoning by enzymes not elsewhere classified
祛痰剂中毒 Poisoning by expectorants
影响纤维蛋白分解药中毒 Poisoning by fibrinolysis-affecting drugs
神经节阻滞药中毒,NEC Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs NEC
糖皮质甾类意外中毒 Poisoning by glucocorticoids and synthetic analogues
海洛因[二乙酰吗啡]中毒 Poisoning by Heroin
组织胺H2受体拮抗剂中毒 Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor antagonists
苯妥英纳[二苯乙内酰脲]意外中毒 Poisoning by Hydantoin derivatives
亚氨基二苯乙烯类中毒 Poisoning by Iminostilbenes
吸入性麻醉药中毒 Poisoning by inhaled anaesthetics
胰岛素和口服降血糖[抗糖尿病]药中毒 Poisoning by insulin & oral hypoglycaemic [antidiabet] drugs
其他和未特指全身麻醉药中毒 Poisoning by intravenous anaesthetics
铁及其化合物中毒 Poisoning by iron and its compounds
局部麻醉药中毒 Poisoning by local anaesthetics
局部抗菌和抗炎药中毒 NEC Poisoning by local antifung anti-infec & anti-inflam drg NEC
局部收敛和局部去污剂 Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents
袢[强效]利尿剂 Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics
二乙麦角酰胺[LSD]意外中毒 Poisoning by Lysergide [LSD]
大环内脂类中毒 Poisoning by Macrolides
美散痛中毒 Poisoning by Methadone
盐(肾上腺)皮质激素类及其拮抗剂 Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists
混合型镇癫痫药,NEC Poisoning by Mixed antiepileptics not elsewhere classified
单胺-氧化酶-抑制剂抗抑郁药中毒 Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants
非类鸦片镇痛药、退热药和抗风湿药 NOS Poisoning by nonopioid analgesantipyretic & antirheum unsp