大腿开放性伤口 Open wound of thigh胸部开放性伤口 NOS Open wound of thorax part unspecified
趾开放性伤口,伴有趾甲损坏 Open wound of toe(s) with damage to nail
趾开放性伤口 Open wound of toe(s) without damage to nail
躯干开放性伤口,水平未特指 Open wound of trunk level unspecified
身体开放性伤口 未指定部位 Open wound of unspecified body region
上臂开放性伤口 Open wound of upper arm
上肢开放性伤口 NOS Open wound of upper limb level unspecified
创伤性外阴阴道裂伤 Open wound of vagina and vulva
腕和手开放性伤口 NOS Open wound of wrist and hand part part unspecified
胸伴腹、下背和骨盆开放性伤口 Open wounds involv thorax wth abdomen lwr back & pelvis
头和颈开放性伤口 Open wounds involving head with neck
下肢多部位开放性伤口 Open wounds involving multiple regions of lower limb(s)
上肢多部位开放性伤口 Open wounds involving multiple regions of upper limb(s)
躯干多处的开放性伤口 Open wounds involving other combinations of body regions
G6PD缺陷 Ophiasis
眼科用药和制剂引起的有害效应 Ophthalmological drugs and preparations
烯丙吗啡药物引起的有害效应 Opioid receptor antagonists
鸦片制剂及有关麻醉药的药物反应 Opioids and related analgesics
后睾吸虫病 Opisthorchiasis
机遇性霉菌病 Opportunistic mycoses
其他品行障碍 Oppositional defiant disorder
单侧或未指明的腹股沟疝,伴有梗阻不伴有坏疽 Optic atrophy
单侧或未指明的股疝,伴有梗阻不伴有坏疽 Optic atrophy in diseases classified elsewhere
双侧腹股沟疝伴坏疽 Optic neuritis
口服避孕药引起的有害效应 Oral contraceptives
乳房良性肿瘤 Oral submucous fibrosis
附睾炎、附睾炎和附睾-睾丸炎,伴有脓肿 Orchitis epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis with abscess
附睾炎、附睾炎和附睾-睾丸炎,不伴有脓肿 Orchitis epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis without absces
被描述为非附加于痴呆的谵妄 Organic amnesic synd not induced alc/oth psychoactive subs
器质性分离性障碍 Organic anxiety disorder ;
器质性妄想性[精神分裂症样]障碍 Organic catatonic disorder
器质性心境[情感]障碍 Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder ;
器质性情绪不稳定[衰弱]障碍 Organic dissociative disorder ;
轻度认知障碍 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder ;
器质性紧张性障碍 Organic hallucinosis
器质性焦虑障碍 Organic mood [affective] disorders ;
脑炎后综合征 Organic personality disorder ;
其他淀粉样变性 Organ-limited amyloidosis
早泄 Orgasmic dysfunction
奥罗普什热 Oropouche virus disease