叶酸盐缺乏性贫血 Onychogryphosis叶酸(盐)缺乏性贫血 NOS Onycholysis
上肢和下肢多个部位开放性伤口 Op wounds invol multi regions of up limb(s) with low limb(s)
喉与气管的开放性损伤 Open wound involving larynx and trachea
咽与颈部食管的开放性损伤 Open wound involving pharynx and cervical oesophagus
甲状腺开放性伤口 Open wound involving thyroid gland
腹壁开放伤口 Open wound of abdominal wall
踝开放性伤口 Open wound of ankle
胸后壁开放性伤口 Open wound of back wall of thorax
乳房开放性伤口 Open wound of breast
颊和颞下颌开放性伤口 Open wound of cheek and temporomandibular area
耳开放性伤口 Open wound of ear
肘开放性伤口 Open wound of elbow
眼睑及眼周组织裂伤 Open wound of eyelid and periocular area
手指开放性伤口,伴有甲损害 Open wound of finger(s) with damage to nail
手指开放性伤口 Open wound of finger(s) without damage to nail
前臂开放性伤口 NOS Open wound of forearm part unspecified
胸前壁开放性伤口 Open wound of front wall of thorax
颈部其他和未特指的损伤 Open wound of head part unspecified
髋开放性伤口 Open wound of hip
膝部开放性伤口 Open wound of knee
唇和口腔的开放性损伤 Open wound of lip and oral cavity
腰背部开放性伤口 Open wound of lower back and pelvis
小腿开放性伤口 NOS Open wound of lower leg part unspecified
下肢开放性伤口,水平未特指 Open wound of lower limb level unspecified
颈项开放性伤口 NOS Open wound of neck part unspecified
鼻开放性损伤 Open wound of nose
其他和未特指外生殖器的开放性伤口 Open wound of other and unspecified external genital organs
腹部其他和未特指性的开放性伤口 Open wound of other and unspecified parts of abdomen
骨盆带其他和未特指部位的开放性伤口 Open wound of other and unspecified parts of pelvic girdle
肩周其他和未特指部位的开放性伤口 Open wound of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle
足其他部位开放性损伤 Open wound of other parts of foot
前臂其他部位的开放性伤口 Open wound of other parts of forearm
其他面部开放性损伤 Open wound of other parts of head
小腿其他部位的开放性伤口 Open wound of other parts of lower leg
其他颈项开放性伤口 Open wound of other parts of neck
胸部其他部位开放性伤口 Open wound of other parts of thorax
腕和手其他部位开放性伤口 Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand
阴茎开放性伤口 Open wound of penis
头皮裂伤 Open wound of scalp
阴囊开放性伤口 Open wound of scrotum and testes
肩部开放性伤口 Open wound of shoulder