防鼠板 rat guard防鼠 rat proof
防鼠构造 rat proof construction
棘轮 ratched wheel
棘轮与爪 ratchet and pawl
棘轮摇钻 ratchet brace
棘轮摇钻 ratchet drill
棘轮装置 ratchet gear
棘轮 ratchet wheel
手动锚机 ratchet windlass
1率2价格 rate
燃烧率 rate of burning
膨胀率 rate of expansion
浸水速率 rate of flooding
污底速率 rate of fouling
然料消耗率 rate of fuel consumption
穿透率 rate of penetration (ROP)
回转速率指示计 rate of turn indicator
重量损失率 rate of weight loss
额定断开容量 rated breaking capacity
1额定容量2额定必v rated capacity
额定马力 rated horsepower
额定出力 rated output
额定必v rated power
额定转速 rated revolution
额定转矩 rated torque
1额定值2评定值 rated value
额定电压 rated voltage
1定额[出力2船员等级 rating
额定寿命 rating life
比,比率,比值 ratio
1桅[牵]索梯2梯级绳 ratlines
藤碰垫 rattan fender
原料 raw material
雷利波 Rayleigh wave
1[可达]距离,范围2射程3工作半径4伸距n横风行驶o惯性滑移p回转重心纵距q回复期 reach
起重机臂伸距 reach of crane
舷侧迎风 reaching
电抗容量 reactance capacity
1反作用,反动2反应3反锁 reaction
反动轮叶 reaction blade
反动叶系 reaction blading