泊(黏度单位) poise砝码 poise weight
蒲松过程 Poisson process
纵横应变比,蒲松氏比 Poisson‘s ratio
手推焊接 poke welding
游隙规 poker gauge
插入式振捣器 poker vibrator
问题导向语言 POL (= problem oriented language)
极坐标 polar coordinate
极惯性矩 polar moment of inertia
北极星飞弹潜艇 Polaris submarine
接地极性 polarity of ground
极化 polarization
1柱2极3桅顶部 pole
竿钓渔船 pole and line fishing boat
竿钓渔船 pole and line-fishing boat
变极开关 pole changing switch
油开关 pole changing switch
高架罗经 pole compass
柱形桅,独桅 pole mast
桅顶柱 pole mast
磁极片 pole piece
磁极屐 pole shoe
换极马达 pole-changing motor
警艇 police boat
警察巡逻艇 police patrol boat
抛光机 polishing machine
多芯电缆 polycore cable
聚脂填料 polyester filler
聚酯树脂 polyester resin
聚乙烯 polyethylene (PE)
聚合抑制剂 polymerization inhibitor
多相 polyphase
聚苯乙烯发泡材 polystyrene (PS) foam
多变效率(气涡轮机) polytropic efficiency
多变过程 polytropic process
聚胺甲酸酯,保利生 polyurethane (PU)
聚胺甲酸酯发泡材 polyurethane (PU) foam
沥青环氧漆 polyurethane paint
聚乙烯 polyvinyl
聚乙烯醇 polyvinyl alchol (PVA)
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride (PVC)