杠杆率 leverage1征收,抽税,征募2扣押 levy
鸩尾起重器,吊楔 lewis
刘易斯船形 Lewis form
刘易斯船形剖面 Lewis form section
液化可燃气 LFG( = liquefied flammable gas)
1特权2自由3[水手]上岸野i时间 liberty
[船员,士兵]交通艇 liberty boat
驻泊条款 liberty of touch and stay
自由轮 liberty ship
1磅2英磅 libra
说A罩 lid"
光雷达 lidar(=light detection and ranging)
锚泊 lie at anchor
1[船舶]进坞2[船舶或其它工具]停止使用3隐蔽 lie up
海军上尉 lieutenant
海军少校 lieutenant commander
海军中尉 lieutenant junior grade
1寿命,使用期限,延续时间2长久性,耐久性 life
救生带 life belt
救生艇 life boat
救生艇甲板 life boat deck
救生艇装备 life boat equipment
自供空气系统救生艇 life boat with a self-con-tained air support system
救生艇员 life boatman
救生圈 life buoy
救生浮焰 life buoy flare
救生加压舱 life compression chamber
[两面用硬式]救生筏 life float
救生浮具 life floats
救生员 life guard
救生衣 life jacket
救生衣柜 life jacket chest
救生衣灯 life jacket light
1救生索,信号绳2安全索,扶手索3攀手绳 life line
救生索,攀手索 life line
救生索发射枪,抛绳枪 life line throwing gun
救生具 life preserver
救生筏 life raft
救生圈 life ring
放艇安全索 life rope
救生设备 life saving apparatus