防火构造 fireproof construction防火材料 fireproof material
防火漆 fireproof paint
防火试验 fireproof test
抗火舱壁 fire-resisting bulkhead
抗燃电缆 fire-resisting cable
耐火聚酯树脂 fire-retardant polyester resin
灭火器,灭火罐 fire-suppression bottle
隔火墙,防火隔壁 firewall
火水管锅炉 fire-water-tube boiler
1发射,射击2点燃 firing
鱼雷发射柜(潜艇) firing cylinder
动作阀,[水雷的]灵敏阀 firing level
点火顺序 firing order
燃点 firing point
燃烧压力 firing pressure
火铲 firing shovel
鱼雷发射柜(潜艇) firing tank
发射阀 firing valve
射控自动同步装置 firing-data control selsyns unit
烧火用具 firino tool
急救[及]消毒站 first aid and decontamination center
急救箱 first aid box
急救药箱 first aid box
备用大锚 first bower
底漆 first coat of paint
大管轮 first engineer
第一号肋数 first framing number
大副 first mate
大副 first officer
加油长 first oiler
头等舱乘客 first saloon passenger
头等客舱 first-class cabin
锯齿叶片(燃气涡轮机) fir-tree blade
1鱼2帆桁3护木 fish
收锚 fish anchor
吊锚,滑车 fish block
吊锚滑车 fish block
吊锚杆 fish boom
收鱼船 fish buying boat
运鱼船 fish carrier
运鱼船,鱼货搬运船 fish carrier