森林区划 Division of area森林分区署 Divisional forest-office
分区区长 Divisional officer
仓库存贮证 Dock receipt
森林纯收获说 Doctrine of forest rent
土地纯收获说 Doctrine of soil rent
同D.A.A. Document against acceptance
支付书(略写D.A.P.) Document against payment
押汇证 Documentary bill
鈎孔 Dog holes
道钉 Dog-spike
壁虱类(Acarina) Dog-ticks
四照花 Dog-wood
公地 Domain
制材规定表 (美国) Domestic list
优势种 Dominant
主林木 Dominant portion of forest
优势种 Dominant species
优势木 Dominant stem
优势木 Dominant tree
副林木 Dominated crop
劣势木 Dominated stem
优势木 Dominating stem
同dominant trees Domingating trees
休眠芽 Dormant bud
修眠种子 Dormant seed
修眠袍子 Dormant spore
同Decay 及 Rot Dot
重瓣粉红麦李 Double flowering almond(Prunus glandulosa, Thunb.)
复心材 Double heart-wood
橙黄香水月季 Double hsong sui rose (Rosa odorata var.pseudoindica, Rehd.)
有边纹孔 Double pit
重复断面 Double profile
伪年轮 Double ring
复V字形切口 Double V-shaped incision
两头鹤嘴锄 Double-pointed hoe
复心材 Double-summit
同Cork-barked douglas spruce Douglas fir
同Douglas fir Douglas spruce
同Douglas fir Douglas-tree
鸠尾接 Dovetailing
溪谷 Down-hill Side