前价系数 Discount factor前价 Discounted value
病害 Disease
伤痍病 Disease caused by wound
植物病害 Disease of plants
耐病性 Disease-enduring
避病性 Disease-escaping
解放伐 Disengagement cutting
截断器 Dish chipper
消毒 Disinfection
崩坏 Disintegration
圆盘 Disk
圆锯 Disk-saw
分散角 Dispertive angle
木材交付 Disposal of wood
先天性 Disposition
叶之配置 Disposition of leaves
干材 Dissected bole
同bucking Dissecting
切段 Dissection
传播,播种 Dissemination
干距比较 Distance figure
两列的 Distichous
蒸馏 Distillation
分布荷重 Distributed load
分布 Distribution
龄级配置 Distribution of age-classes
植树网 Distribution of plants
曲,林班,事业分区 District
林区区长 District forester
林区署 District forest-office
管理区 District of a forestranger
管理区 District of a forestwarden
保护区 District of a guard
林区署 District office
林区区长 District officer
林区保护员制度 District-ranger system
劈裂用具 Divider
同dibi-dibi Divi-divi
大林区,林班 Division
区划轮伐法 Division into annual coupes
区划轮伐法 Division into regeneration areas