栎类 Oak (Quercus)栎树皮 Oak bark
栎树剥皮林 Oak coppice-wood
栎树剥皮林 Oak-bark coppice
栎五倍子 Oak-gall
同California swamp-pine Obispo pine
纯粹死物寄生菌 Obligate parasite
纯粹活物寄生菌 Obligate saprophyte
斜形挡栅 Oblique boom
观测站 Observation-station
粘液化 Obstruction by slime
日本扁柏 Obtuse ground-cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa, Sieb. et Zuce.)
散生 Occasional
同Common pear Occidental pear
伤口愈合 Occlusion of wounds
肉荳蔻腊[由巴西肉荳蔻 (Myristica ocuba)果实所采取] Ocuba wax
目测法 Ocular estimate
目测法 Ocular estimation
木材香气 Oder of wood
轮转计 Odometer
结实皆无年度 Off year
腐木,屑木 Offal-timber
纵横距,短匐枝 Off-set
光叶七叶树 Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra, Willd.)
油脂细胞 Oil cell
腊杨梅 (Myrica ceifera L.)所含之精油 Oil of bay
苦杏仁油 Oil of bitter almond
樟脑油 Oil of camphor
肉桂油 Oil of cinnamon
桉树油 Oil of eucalyptus
桧实油 Oil of Juniper berries
柠檬油类 Oil of lemon
蔷薇油 Oil of rose
擦树油 Oil of Sassafras
绣线菊油 Oil of spiraea
可可油 Oil of theobroma
榧子油 Oil of torreya seeds
松精油 Oil of turpentine
冬绿油 [由薄秋林丹(Gaultheria Prccumbens L.) Oil of winter-green
油柑,余甘子 Oil orange (Phyllan thus emblica, Linn.)
油椰子 Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.)
油槽 Oil receptacle
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