氯氧化铬 chromium oxychloride三氧化铬 chromium trioxide
色蛋白 chromoprotein
铬硫酸 chromosulphuric acid
氯化铬酰 chromyl chloride
隔热板 cleading
清洁剂 cleaning compound; detergent
封闭接头{熔焊} closing joint {weld}
封闭熔焊 closing weld
雾气筒 cloud-gas cylinder
凝固蛋白质 coagulated protein
煤粉 coal facings; powdered coal
煤气 coal gas
煤焦杂酚油 coal tar creosote; creosote oil
煤焦蒸馏物 coal tar distillate
煤焦油环气漆 coal tar epoxy
轻煤焦油 coal tar light oil
煤焦石油脑;煤焦挥发油 coal tar naphtha
煤焦油 coal tar oil
柏油染料 coal-tar dye
涂料溶液 coating solution
可客拉斯固体 cocculus solid
热对流系数 coefficient of heat convection
传热系数 coefficient of heat transmission
动黏性系数;动黏度系数 coefficient of kinematic viscosity
线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion
黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity
椰棕 coir
脱蜡 cold clearing
冷轧钢 cold rolled steel
冷脆性 cold shortness
胶原 collagen
珂罗琔棉 collodin cotton
胶质 colloid
胶性悬浮物 colloidal suspension
胶体粒状 colloided granular
赛洛洛漆 collulose paint
花露精;古龙精 cologne spirit
彩色烟火 colored fire
比色计 colorimeter
比色法 colorimetric method
色基 colour base