阶迭熔焊顺序 cascade welding sequence箱装油类 case oils
箱装弹药 cases cartridges
天然汽油 casinghead gasoline; natural gasoline
铸铁 cast iron
铸钢 cast steel
催化剂;触媒;硬化剂{FRP及GRP} catalysts
苛性碱液体 caustic alkali liquids
苛性锑 caustic antimony
碱脆性 caustic brittleness
苛性砷油 caustic oil of arsenic
苛性钾 caustic potash
苛性钠;苛性苏打 caustic soda
赛璐琔 celloidin
赛璐珞 celluloid
赛璐珞废料 celluloid scrap
硝化纤维素 cellulose nitrate; nitrocellulose; nitrocellulose bass
离心过滤机 centrifugal filter
离心分子蒸锚器 centrifugal type molecular still
粗制铈 cerium crude
铈粉 cerium powder
十六烷值 cetane number
并列断续填角熔焊 chain intermittent fillet welds
并列熔焊 chain welding
商用定形药包 chaped commercial charges
饱和特性 characteristic saturation
标识X射线 characteristic X-rays
木炭 charcoal
炭砖 charcoal briquets
木炭铁 charcoal iron
动物炭;骨炭 charcoal of animal origin
矿物炭 charcoal of mineral origin
植物炭 charcoal of vegetable orgin
木炭生铁 charcoal pig iron
充电容量 charge capacity
电荷密度 charge density
电荷 charge of electricity; electric charge
充电率 charge rate; charging rate
充电曲线 charging curve
化学药品 chemical
化学品添加系统 chemical addition system
化学电池 chemical cell