铁路立体化? Railroad Grade Separation?
铁路? Railway ; Railroad?
铁路立体化工程计划? Railway Grade-Separation Project?
铁路法? Railway Law?
匝道封闭? Ramp closure?
匝道仪控号志? Ramp Metering Signal?
匝道仪控系统? Ramp Metering System?
匝道仪控? Ramp metering?
匝道? Ramp?
静态快速测量? Rapid static surveying?
流率? Rate of Flow?
实时路况? Realtime traffic information?
铁路? Railway ; Railroad?
铁路立体化工程计划? Railway Grade-Separation Project?
铁路法? Railway Law?
匝道封闭? Ramp closure?
匝道仪控号志? Ramp Metering Signal?
匝道仪控系统? Ramp Metering System?
匝道仪控? Ramp metering?
匝道? Ramp?
静态快速测量? Rapid static surveying?
流率? Rate of Flow?
实时路况? Realtime traffic information?
踏勘? Reconnaissance?
箭头红灯? Red Arrow?
闪光红灯? Red Flashing?
红灯? Red Light?
反光立体镜? Reflecting stereoscope; Mirror stereoscope?
反光导标? Reflective guide posts?
反光纸? Reflective sheeting?
区域运输规划? Regional Transportation Planning?
禁制标志? Regulatory Sign?
钢筋混凝土? Reinforced concrete?
加劲挡土墙? Reinforced earth wall?
加劲土? Reinforced earth?
钢筋? Reinforcement?
环境影响差异分析报告? Report analyzing the differences between the pre- and post-development activity environments?
工程救险车? Rescue vehicles?
主管机关? Responsible agency?
滞洪池? Retaining pond?
挡土墙? Retaining wall?
保留款? Retention?
调拨车道? Reversible Lane?
公路用地? Right of way?
高速公路路权用地? Right-of-way land for Freeway?
刚性路面? Rigid pavement?
道路容量? Road capacity?
减速丘? Road Hump?
标字? Road mark?
路边紧急电话? Road Side Emergency Telephone (ET)?
路基工程? Roadbed construction?
路床? Roadbed?
路侧标志? Roadside sign?
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