地籍图? Cadastral map?
地籍测量? Cadastral Survey?
悬臂? Cantilever?
公交车路线容量? Capacity of Bus Line?
容量? Capacity?
小汽车共乘? Carpool?
小客车租赁业? Car-Rental Carrier?
集水井? Catch basin?
赶工计划? Catch-up plan?
中心桩? Center(line) stake?
中心与中心? Center-to-Center (C2C)?
中心与现场? Center-to-Field (C2F)?
地籍测量? Cadastral Survey?
悬臂? Cantilever?
公交车路线容量? Capacity of Bus Line?
容量? Capacity?
小汽车共乘? Carpool?
小客车租赁业? Car-Rental Carrier?
集水井? Catch basin?
赶工计划? Catch-up plan?
中心桩? Center(line) stake?
中心与中心? Center-to-Center (C2C)?
中心与现场? Center-to-Field (C2F)?
集中式控制系统? Centralized Control System?
中央控制行车装置? Centralized Traffic Control 简称CTC?
中央行车控制? Centralized train control (简称CTC)?
信息可变标志? Changeable Message Sign (CMS)、 Variable Message Sign (VMS)?
速限可变标志? Changeable Speed Limit Sign (CSLS)?
槽化岛? Channelization island?
槽化? Channelization?
槽化线? Channelizing Line?
家长接送区? Child pick-up area?
幼童专用车? Children-only Bus?
圆环? Circle/Roundabout?
线路交换公众数据网络? Circuit-switched Public Data Network (CSPDN )?
圆形绿灯? Circular green light?
市区公共汽车? City Bus?
中正国际机场至台北捷运系统建设计划? CKS Airport to Taipei MRT Project?
清道损失时间? Clearance Lost Time?
爬坡车道? Climbing Lane?
闭路电视摄影机? Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV)?
摩擦系数? Coefficient of friction?
连络道路? Collector Road?
夯实,压实? Compaction?
征收补偿? Compensation?
混凝土桩? Concrete pile?
混凝土? Concrete?
交通锥? Cone?
拥挤? Congestion?
联外运输? Connected Transportation?
接驳运输? Connection by other equipment?
压密? Consolidation?
工务段? Construct section?
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