左侧围应力蒙皮 R/S stretching skin ( road side )
齿条活塞 rack piston
径向负荷 Radial load
散热器总成 radiator assy.
散热器盖 radiator pressure cap
散热器 Radiator?
收放机 radio
圆角半径 Radius of curvature
换档叉 range fork
额度功率 rated output
传动比 ratio
圆周率 Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
齿条活塞 rack piston
径向负荷 Radial load
散热器总成 radiator assy.
散热器盖 radiator pressure cap
散热器 Radiator?
收放机 radio
圆角半径 Radius of curvature
换档叉 range fork
额度功率 rated output
传动比 ratio
圆周率 Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
原始排气 Raw exhaust
后桥 rear axle
后桥总成 rear axle assy.
后轴承 rear bearing
输入轴后轴承 rear bearing, input shaft
输出轴后轴承 rear bearing, output shaft
后输出轴后轴承 rear bearing, rear output shaft
后制动器总成 rear brake assembly
后制动油管 rear brake line
后制动器总成 rear braker assy.
后壳体 rear case
助力器后壳体 rear case of vacuum booster
后组合灯 rear combined lamps
后边缘 rear edge
发电机后壳 rear end of shield
儿童转身约束系统 rear facing child restraint system
后雾灯 Rear Fog Lamp
后壳体 rear housing
出油口 rear opening
后输出轴 rear output shaft
后悬 Rear overhang
后主动齿轮轴承 rear pinion bearing
后接口 rear port
后传动轴 rear propeller shaft
后传动轴总成 rear propeller shaft assy.
后后桥 rear rear axle
后回复反射器 Rear Reflex Reflectors
后壳体 rear shell
稳定杆 rear stabilizer
后悬吊 rear suspension
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