转向减振器 damper
危险物 dangerous article
暗室 darkroom
数据通道 Data channel
数据处理 Data Processing
认可日期 Date of notification
地板减速度 Deceleration of the structure
定义 Definitions
术语 Definitions
偏移 deflection
除霜器 defroster
储液器和干燥器 dehydrator
危险物 dangerous article
暗室 darkroom
数据通道 Data channel
数据处理 Data Processing
认可日期 Date of notification
地板减速度 Deceleration of the structure
定义 Definitions
术语 Definitions
偏移 deflection
除霜器 defroster
储液器和干燥器 dehydrator
延迟阀 delay valve
设计躯干角 Design torso angle
经型式认定的机动车 designated motor vehicle
认定 designated?
名称 Designation
业务场所名称 Designation of business place
指定确认者 Designation of Confirmor
爆震 detonation?
装置本身 device proper
装置的型式认定 Device type designation
右旋 dextrorotation
口径 diameter
膜片 diaphragm
油泵膜片 diaphragm of fuel pump
膜片回位弹簧 diaphragm return spring
膜片杆 diaphragm rod
膜片弹簧 diaphragm spring
柴油 Diesel fuel
轻柴油 Diesel oil
柴油排烟 diesel smoke
柴油机排烟测量仪 Diesel smoke measuring instrument
柴油机动车 diesel-powered motor vehicle
差速器壳 differential case
半轴齿轮 differential gear
前桥减速器 differential gearbox , front axle
后桥减速器 differential gearbox , rear axle
半轴齿轮与差速器壳之间的间隙 differential side gear-to-case clearance
数字式磁记录仪 Digital magnetic recorder
数字化 Digitilizing
稀释排气 Diluted exhaust gas
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