雾灯开关 fog lamp switch
箔厚 Foil Thickness
折叠椅 folded seat
折叠式座椅 folding seat
小腿夹角量角器 foot angle quadrant
拨叉 fork
福尔马林 Formalin
内门前开型 forward-opening inner door
四行程引擎 four-stroke cycle
四轮驱动的机动车 four-wheel drive motor vehicle
四轮 Four-wheeled
车架 Frame
箔厚 Foil Thickness
折叠椅 folded seat
折叠式座椅 folding seat
小腿夹角量角器 foot angle quadrant
拨叉 fork
福尔马林 Formalin
内门前开型 forward-opening inner door
四行程引擎 four-stroke cycle
四轮驱动的机动车 four-wheel drive motor vehicle
四轮 Four-wheeled
车架 Frame
车架及车身 Frame and Body
摩擦离合器 Friction clutch
自蒸发器 from evaporator drier
出加热器 from heater core
自贮液干燥器 from receiver drier
自进气歧管水套 from water jacket intake manifold
前桥 front axle
前桥总成 front axle assy.
前桥挂档马达 front axle motor
前轴承 front bearing
前轴承盖 front bearing retainer
前输出轴前轴承 front bearing, front output shaft
输入轴前轴承 front bearing, input shaft
输出轴前轴承 front bearing, output shaft
前制动盘 front brake disc
前制动盘总成 front brake disc assy.
前壳体 front case
助力器前壳体 front case of vacuum booster
前螺旋弹簧 front coil spring
前组合灯 front combined lamps
前盘式制动器 front disk braker
前边缘 front edge?
发电机前端盖 front end of shield
式车辆 front engine front drive F.F.
式车辆 front engine rear drive F.R.
前风扇 front fan
前雾灯 Front Fog Lamp
前前桥 front front axle
出油口 front opening
前输出轴 front output shaft