条 Article
条 Article 1 第1
沥青溶剂 Asphalt solution
附署文件 Attached document
附表 attached sheet
附表 Attached Table
座椅安全带固定装置的固定位置 attaching location of seat belt anchorage
附属文件 attachment
车上值班人员 Attendants onboard
自动阻风门盖调到 automatic chock cover setting
自动变速器,自动排挡变速箱 automatic transmission
汽车电系 automotive electric system
条 Article 1 第1
沥青溶剂 Asphalt solution
附署文件 Attached document
附表 attached sheet
附表 Attached Table
座椅安全带固定装置的固定位置 attaching location of seat belt anchorage
附属文件 attachment
车上值班人员 Attendants onboard
自动阻风门盖调到 automatic chock cover setting
自动变速器,自动排挡变速箱 automatic transmission
汽车电系 automotive electric system
引擎系统 automotive engine system
辅助制动器 Auxiliary Brake
辅助转向信号灯 Auxiliary Direction Indicator Lamps
副簧 auxiliary spring
辅助驻车灯 Auxiliary Stop Lamp
桥壳 axle case
桥壳总成 axle case assy.
桥速比 axle ratio
桥管 axle tube
轴重 axle weight
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