投资收入;投资收益 investment income?
投资意向;投资意欲 investment intention?
投资管理监管组织〔英国〕 Investment Management Regulatory Organisation [United Kingdom]?
投资经理 investment manager?
投资业绩 investment performance?
投资计划 investment plan?
投资组合 investment portfolio?
投资产品科〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 Investment Products Department [Securities and Futures Commission]?
促进和保护投资协议 Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement?
促进投资 investment promotion?
投资代表 investment representative?
投资回报 investment return?
投资意向;投资意欲 investment intention?
投资管理监管组织〔英国〕 Investment Management Regulatory Organisation [United Kingdom]?
投资经理 investment manager?
投资业绩 investment performance?
投资计划 investment plan?
投资组合 investment portfolio?
投资产品科〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 Investment Products Department [Securities and Futures Commission]?
促进和保护投资协议 Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement?
促进投资 investment promotion?
投资代表 investment representative?
投资回报 investment return?
投资计划 investment scheme?
投资工具 investment vehicle?
投资;投资项目 investment?
与投资有关的人寿保险及集资退休基金委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 Investment-linked Assurance and Pooled Retirement Funds Committee [Securities and Futures Commission]?
与投资有关的人寿保险计划 investment-linked assurance scheme?
与投资有关的储蓄计划 investment-linked savings plan?
投资者赔偿基金 Investor Compensation Fund?
投资者教育及传讯小组〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 Investor Education and Communications Unit [Securities and Futures Commission]?
投资者资源中心 Investor Resources Centre?
投资者 investor?
《投资者与证券市场》 Investors and the Stock Market?
无形贸易 invisible trade?
发货单;发票 invoice?
现金流入 inward cash flow?
进口跟单汇票 inward documentary bill?
进口投资;外来投资 inward investment?
汇入汇款 inward remittance?
年度内的财政管理工作 in-year management?
无法追讨的税款 irrecoverable tax?
不合规格背书的支票 irregularly endorsed cheque?
不可撤销信用证 irrevocable letter of credit?
按折扣发行 issue at a discount?
招标发行 issue by tender?
发行费用 issue expenses?
发行股票 issue of shares?
发行价;招股价 issue price?
发行;发给;发放 issue?
通过招标以贴现方式发行 issued on a discount basis by tenders?
已发行股本 issued share capital?
已发行股份;已发行股票 issued share?