联页〔收据〕;存根〔支票〕;票根 counterfoil
反担保 counter-guarantee
反通货膨胀政策 counter-inflationary policy
副署签名;联署签名 countersignature
债务国坏帐准备 country debt provisioning
实益拥有国 country of beneficial ownership
息票;赠券 coupon
息票利率 coupon rate
保证金;承保范围;补仓 cover
临时保单 cover note
补仓;填平空仓 cover short position
保额;承保范围 coverage
反担保 counter-guarantee
反通货膨胀政策 counter-inflationary policy
副署签名;联署签名 countersignature
债务国坏帐准备 country debt provisioning
实益拥有国 country of beneficial ownership
息票;赠券 coupon
息票利率 coupon rate
保证金;承保范围;补仓 cover
临时保单 cover note
补仓;填平空仓 cover short position
保额;承保范围 coverage
备兑认购期权 covered call
备兑期权 covered option
备兑认股权证 covered warrant
狂泻;暴跌;崩溃 crash
开立新总目及分目 creation of new heads and subheads
信用;信贷;信用证;贷项 credit
贷项通知书 credit advice
征信所;信用调查机关 credit agency
东方汇理银行 Credit Agricole Indosuez
信贷安排 credit arrangement
贷方结余 credit balance
信用卡 credit card
信用卡计划 credit card scheme
法国商业银行 Credit Commercial de France
贷款委员会 Credit Committee
信贷管制 credit control
信贷换算因子 credit conversion factor
放宽信贷 credit easing
信贷风险 credit exposure
信贷安排;信贷融通;信用透支 credit facility
信贷保证计划 Credit Guarantee Scheme
贷项 credit item
信贷限额 credit limit
里昂信贷银行 Credit Lyonnais
香港里昂财务有限公司 Credit Lyonnais Hongkong (Finance) Limited
信贷评级 credit rating
信贷评级机构 credit rating agency
信贷检讨委员会〔香港金融管理局〕 Credit Review Committee [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]
信贷风险 credit risk
赊销;赊售 credit sale