周年预算 annual estimates
年费 annual fee
周年大会 annual general meeting
年增率;每年增长率 annual growth rate
长期个案每年补助金 annual long-term supplement
可供计算退休金的年薪 annual pensionable emolument
年报 annual report
《消费物价指数年报》 Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index
周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格 annual return
《周年报表规则》 Annual Return Rules
每年消费物价回顾 annual review of consumer prices
逐年延展方式 annual roll-forward basis
年费 annual fee
周年大会 annual general meeting
年增率;每年增长率 annual growth rate
长期个案每年补助金 annual long-term supplement
可供计算退休金的年薪 annual pensionable emolument
年报 annual report
《消费物价指数年报》 Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index
周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格 annual return
《周年报表规则》 Annual Return Rules
每年消费物价回顾 annual review of consumer prices
逐年延展方式 annual roll-forward basis
年薪 annual salary
年度报表;年度决算表 annual statement
银行、接受存款公司及外地银行驻港代表办事处按年统计调查 Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks
年金受益人 annuitant
年金 annuity
年金合约 annuity contract
人寿年金 annuity on human life
先前的债项 antecedent debt
倒填日期支票 ante-dated cheque
预期开支 anticipated expenditure
预期纯利 anticipated net profit
预期收入 anticipated revenue
反通货膨胀措施 anti-inflation measure
反通货膨胀立场 anti-inflationary stance
表面赤字 apparent deficit
表面偿债能力 apparent financial solvency
表面合伙人 apparent partner
个人入息课税申请书 application for personal assessment
资金应用 application of fund
申请免除清盘人职务及毁灭帐簿与文件 application to release as liquidator and to destruct the books of accounts and documents
委任精算师 appointed actuary
委任核数师;委任审计师 appointed auditor
委任的受托人 appointed trustee
委任人 appointer
按比例分摊 apportioned pro rata
分配;分摊 apportionment
《分摊法令》〔英国〕 Apportionment Act [United Kingdom]
分摊方程式 apportionment formula
遗产税的分摊 apportionment of estate duty
估价;评估 appraisal