应力分布 stress distribution?
由负压引起的应力 stress due to negative pressure?
振动应力 stress due to vibration?
应力椭圆 stress ellipse?
应力椭球 stress ellipsoid?
应力均匀化 stress equalizing?
应力场 stress field?
蠕变应力起伏 stress fluctuation in creep?
无应力的 stress free?
应力冻结 stress freezing?
应力条纹图样 stress fringe pattern?
应力函数张量 stress function tensor?
由负压引起的应力 stress due to negative pressure?
振动应力 stress due to vibration?
应力椭圆 stress ellipse?
应力椭球 stress ellipsoid?
应力均匀化 stress equalizing?
应力场 stress field?
蠕变应力起伏 stress fluctuation in creep?
无应力的 stress free?
应力冻结 stress freezing?
应力条纹图样 stress fringe pattern?
应力函数张量 stress function tensor?
应力函数 stress function?
应力增长 stress growth?
梁的应力 stress in beam?
杆应力 stress in the bar?
应力强度因子 stress intensity factor?
应力强度 stress intensity?
应力不变量 stress invariant?
应力级 stress level?
应力线 stress line?
应力矩阵 stress matrix?
应力测量 stress measurement?
应力法 stress method?
应力动量张量 stress momentum tensor?
岩石应力 stress of rocks?
第一类应力 stress of the first kind?
第二类应力 stress of the second kind?
第三类应力 stress of the third kind?
光弹性的 stress optic?
光弹性系数 stress optical coefficient?
光弹性常数 stress optical constant?
应力过冲 stress overshoot?
土应力路径 stress path of soil?
应力图 stress pattern?
应力状态 stress phase?
应力多边形 stress polygon?
应力功率 stress power?
冲沪力 stress produced by impact?
应力范围 stress range?
应力弛豫 stress relaxation?
消除应力退火 stress relief annealing?