薄片 wafer?
瓦格纳梁 wagner beam?
瓦格纳效应 wagner effect?
边界层尾流 wake of boundary layer?
尾柳 wake region?
死水区 wake space?
尾列 wake vortex?
尾哩 wake wave?
尾流伴流 wake?
壁边界层 wall boundary layer?
壁效应 wall effect?
壁面摩擦 wall friction?
瓦格纳梁 wagner beam?
瓦格纳效应 wagner effect?
边界层尾流 wake of boundary layer?
尾柳 wake region?
死水区 wake space?
尾列 wake vortex?
尾哩 wake wave?
尾流伴流 wake?
壁边界层 wall boundary layer?
壁效应 wall effect?
壁面摩擦 wall friction?
壁压 wall pressure?
壁面切应力 wall shear stress?
壁厚 wall thickness?
近壁湍流 wall turbulence?
扭转力 warping force?
扭曲 warping in torsion?
断面翘曲 warping of section?
扭转应力 warping stress?
翘曲 warping?
水力制动器水压制动器 water brake?
水力槽 water channel?
水柱 water column?
有效横截面 water cross section?
水临度 water current velocity?
瀑布 water fall?
细水流水疗 water filament?
水流 water flow?
水气比拟 water gas analogy?
水击 water hammer?
水头 water head?
喷水 water injection?
喷水流 water jet?
水跃 water jump?
水位记录仪 water level recorder?
吃水线 water line?
水团 water mass?
量水计 water meter?
透水性 water permeability?
浮面 water plane?
水势 water potential?
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