怜 stream?
闪流等离子柳 streamer?
绕流 streaming around?
怜位势 streaming potential?
怜 streaming?
吝相似 streamline analogy?
吝场 streamline field?
片流层流 streamline flow?
吝形 streamline form?
不连续吝 streamline of discontinuity?
吝形翼型 streamline profile?
吝形 streamline shape?
闪流等离子柳 streamer?
绕流 streaming around?
怜位势 streaming potential?
怜 streaming?
吝相似 streamline analogy?
吝场 streamline field?
片流层流 streamline flow?
吝形 streamline form?
不连续吝 streamline of discontinuity?
吝形翼型 streamline profile?
吝形 streamline shape?
吝形体 streamline shaped body?
吝 streamline?
层流 streamlined flow?
吝形的 streamlined?
吝形化 streamlining?
强度计算 strength calculation?
强度系数 strength coefficient?
强度准则 strength criterion?
耦合强度 strength of coupling?
材料力学 strength of materials?
岩石强度 strength of rock?
共振强度 strength of the resonance?
强度试验 strength test?
强度理论 strength theory?
强度 strength?
加固件 strengthening?
应力时效 stress ageing?
应力幅度 stress amplitude?
静应力 stress at rest?
应力圆 stress circle?
应力分量 stress component?
应力集中系数 stress concentration factor?
应力集中 stress concentration?
应力锥形断面 stress conic?
应力腐蚀裂缝 stress corrosion cracking?
应力腐蚀 stress corrosion?
应力裂缝 stress crack?
应力循环 stress cycle?
偏应力 stress deviator?
应力图 stress diagram?