转印 transfer printing?
传送 transfer?
转换断层 transform fault?
转换板块边缘 transform plate boundary?
自然改造 transformation of nature?
污染物转化 transformation of pollutants?
变换 transformation?
纠正仪 transformer?
海侵大陆海 transgressing continental sea?
海侵 transgression?
海侵超覆 transgressive overlapping?
过渡层 transition beds?
传送 transfer?
转换断层 transform fault?
转换板块边缘 transform plate boundary?
自然改造 transformation of nature?
污染物转化 transformation of pollutants?
变换 transformation?
纠正仪 transformer?
海侵大陆海 transgressing continental sea?
海侵 transgression?
海侵超覆 transgressive overlapping?
过渡层 transition beds?
过渡曲线 transition curve?
过渡元素 transition element?
转变点 transition point?
过渡带 transition zone?
过渡 transition?
过渡交错区 transitional communty?
转写 transliteration?
倍半氧化物迁移 translocation of sesquioxides?
导水系数 transmission coefficient?
导水系数 transmission factor?
重氮晒图 transmission print?
传送 transmission?
透射率 transmissivity?
透射计 transmissometer?
发送装置 transmitter installation?
发射机 transmitter?
元素的转化 transmutation of elements?
大气透萌 transparency of atmosphere?
透萌 transparency?
透迷塑料薄膜 transparent plastic foil?
蒸腾系数 transpiration coefficient?
蒸腾 transpiration?
移植 transplantation?
河玲运固体 transport of solids by rivers?
交通中心 transportation center?
运输 transportation?
搬运沉积 transported deposit?
运积土 transported soil?
横向偏差 transversal discrepancy?
搬运物的模向移动 transversal movement of load?