略图 scheme?
片理 schist forming process?
结晶片岩 schist?
层状结构 schistose structure?
片理 schistosity?
日本血吸虫病 schistosomiasis japonica?
血吸虫病 schistosomiasis?
教学地图制图学 school cartography?
教学地图 school map?
黑电气石 schorlite?
次石墨 schungite?
灾害学 science of disaster?
片理 schist forming process?
结晶片岩 schist?
层状结构 schistose structure?
片理 schistosity?
日本血吸虫病 schistosomiasis japonica?
血吸虫病 schistosomiasis?
教学地图制图学 school cartography?
教学地图 school map?
黑电气石 schorlite?
次石墨 schungite?
灾害学 science of disaster?
科学学 science of sciences?
科学情报 scientific information?
闪烁计数器 scintillation counter?
闪烁检测器 scintillation detector?
闪烁 scintillation?
闪烁体 scintillator?
阴地植物 sciophyte?
五可风 scirocco?
地震带 scismic zone?
硬叶植物 sclerophyte?
硬度计 scleroscope?
菌核体 sclerotinite?
火山渣锥 scoria cone?
滓状凝灰岩 scoria tuff?
熔岩渣滓 scoria?
洗刷 scour?
漂洗砂 scouring sand?
刮刀 scraper?
擦硬度 scratching hardness?
岩屑堆 scree?
筛析 screen analysis?
网目角度 screen angle?
网线数 screen density?
网屏齿轮 screen gear?
屏像 screen image?
网目版 screen plate?
网屏 screen?
加网区 screened area?
加网阴图片 screened negative?
加网阳片 screened positive?