构造阶地 structural terrace?
构造圈闭 structural trap?
构造谷 structural valley?
构造判读图 structure interpretation map?
分子结构 structure of molecule?
结构稳定性 structure stability?
结构 structure?
无结构土壤 structureless soil?
甲状腺肿地方病 strumous endemia?
留茬地 stubble field?
残茬覆盖 stubble mulch?
象整号 stylized symbol?
构造圈闭 structural trap?
构造谷 structural valley?
构造判读图 structure interpretation map?
分子结构 structure of molecule?
结构稳定性 structure stability?
结构 structure?
无结构土壤 structureless soil?
甲状腺肿地方病 strumous endemia?
留茬地 stubble field?
残茬覆盖 stubble mulch?
象整号 stylized symbol?
逐安石 suanite?
亚大误期 sub atlantic time?
亚北方期 sub boreal time?
陆上地形 subaerial relief?
亚高山带 subalpine belt?
亚高山草甸 subalpine meadow?
亚高山泥炭 subalpine peat?
亚高山黑色石灰土 subalpine rendzine?
亚高山植被 subalpine vegetation?
亚南极带 subantarctic zone?
水底沉积 subaqueous deposit?
水下景观 subaqueous landscape?
水底原始土壤 subaqueous raw soil?
水下地形 subaqueous relief?
水底土壤 subaqueous soil?
亚北极气候 subarctic climate?
亚北极带 subarctic zone?
亚群丛 subassociation?
亚演替顶极 subclimax?
副大陆气候 subcontinental climate?
副分水界 subdivide?
地籍测量 subdivision survey?
亚门 subdivision?
俯冲带 subduction zone?
俯冲 subduction?
平坦山 subdued mountains?
副赤道带 subequatorial belts?
副赤道气候 subequatorial climate?
亚科 subfamily?
亚群系 subformation?